Transit Art Festival

Golden Yellow Mural
in Rosenheim, Germany 2021

A few months ago I was very happy about the invitation from the Städtische Galerie Rosenheim to this year’s Transit Art Festival. At the beginning of July the time had come, I was allowed to paint the first wall at the start of the festival and it was so much fun! My concept was a bit daring in my opinion, as you know colors are very important to me.

This work is titled “Golden Yellow” based on the base color of the mural. Yellow is a pretty daring color, I thought. But I like to leave my comfort zone and it also blends in wonderfully with the cityscape at Rathausstrasse 30 in Rosenheim. The concept was to create a painting that goes beyond the wall surface and blends in with the colors of the surroundings, my goal: to bring my work into the city and not burden it.

A big thank you goes to the entire team of the Städtische Galerie Rosenheim, we really felt very welcome. Despite the changeable weather, this project was a lot of fun!

Foto 03.07.21, 19 04 40 Kopie web
Foto 03.07.21, 19 14 55 Kopie web
Foto 03.07.21, 19 18 49

©2023 Julia Benz
